NewP@ss Project  


To the NEWPASS official website!

NewP@ss is a CATRENE project.


Project reference: CA206


Duration: 01-07-2012 to 30-06-2015



PMB Contact

Jean-Pierre Tual (Project Coordinator)

[Gemalto, France]


PTB Contacts

Michael Guerassimo (Technical Manager)

[Gemalto, France]

Bruno Rouchouze

[Gemalto, France]



José C. Ribeiro (4TELL Research Group)

[Inst. de Telecomunicações, Portugal]









9th International Conference on Tests & Proofs (TAP 2015), July 22-24, L'Aquila, Italy

Conference paper presentation:

"Case Study: Automatic Test Case Generation for a Secure Cache Implementation", TU Graz-IAIK


ISEN Toulon, May 20 - June 4, Toulon, France

Demonstrator presentation:

"NewP@ss Border control demo", Gemalto


Workshop on Redes de Veículos nas Sociedades do Futuro, June 3, Castelo Branco, Portugal

Demonstrator presentation at exhibition booth:

"NewP@ss 4G PKI Travel records demo", IT and Evoleo


ISEN Toulon, May 20, Toulon, France


"NewP@ss project and technology", Gemalto


ISEN Toulon, October 01 - May 15, Toulon, France

Dedicated student training:

"Student project on Open source software for MRTD reading", ISEN


Cards & Payments Middle East 2015, May 12-13, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Presentation at id3 exhibition booth:

"NewP@ss and id3 VHBR reader", id3


Cards Payment & Identification 2015, April 14-16, São Paulo, Brazil

Presentation at id3 exhibition booth:

"NewP@ss and id3 VHBR reader", id3





8. Dresdner RFID-Symposium (2014), December 4-5, Dresden, Germany


"Trends in der Forschung für kontaktlose Anwendungen", IFAT


3rd Conference on Technical Cooperation & Capacity Building for Border Management – Border Management Information Systems, December 2-4, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand


"Border Control, new standards (e.g. LDS2.0) and new technologies (e.g. VHBR)"; with the bridge to NewP@ss, Infineon


European Nanoelectronics Forum 2014, November 26-27, Cannes, France

Poster and presentation at Gemalto exhibition booth:

"NewP@ss progress", Gemalto


8th International Wireless Internet Conference – Symposium on Wireless and Vehicular Communication (WiCON 2014), November 13-14, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference paper presentation:

"Towards an Advanced PKI-based Security Solution for Next Generation e-Passport and Associated Applications: The NewP@ss Approach", IT


13th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS 2014), November 5-7, Paris, France

Invited talk:

"Designing Secure Smart Cards", TU Graz-IAIK


Cartes 2014, November 4-6, Paris, France

Presentation at id3 exhibition booth:

"NewP@ss activities", id3


Presentation at CEA-Leti exhibition booth:

"NewP@ss - Next generations of e-passport", CEA-Leti


SystemC AMS – COSIDE User Group Meeting 2014, October 16, Munich, Germany


"Formal Verification of UML Statechart Diagrams with COSIDE®", NXP-Austria


International Conference on Information Security (ISC 2014), October 12-14, Hong Kong

Conference paper presentation:

"Adding Controllable Linkability to Pairing-Based Group Signatures For Free", TU Graz-IAIK


14th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2014), October 2-3, Allen, Dallas, TX, USA

Conference paper presentation:

"Automating Test-Suite Augmentation", TU Graz-IAIK


16th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2014), September 23-26, Busan, Korea

Conference paper presentation:

"Efficient Pairings and ECC for Embedded Systems", TU Graz-IAIK


World e-ID Congress 2014, September 22-25, Marseille, France


"NewP@ss progress", Gemalto



"Trusted mGovernment", G&D


International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2014), September 8-12, Fribourg, Switzerland

Conference paper presentation:

"Practical Attack on Bilinear Pairings to Disclose the Secrets of Embedded Devices", TU Graz-IAIK


18th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC 2014), October 8-10, Chennai, India

Invited talk:

"Solving the Discrete Logarithm of a 113-bit Koblitz Curve with an FPGA Cluster", TU Graz-IAIK


International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC 2014), August 14-15, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Conference paper presentation:

"Solving the Discrete Logarithm of a 113-bit Koblitz Curve with an FPGA Cluster", TU Graz-IAIK


IPICS 2014 - Intensive Programme on Information & Communication Security, July 7-18, Lesvos island, Greece

Invited talk:

"Implementation Security", TU Graz-IAIK


19th IEEE Symposium On Computers And Communications (ISCC 2014), June 23-26, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

Conference paper presentation:

"An Efficient MAC- Signature Scheme for Authentication in XOR Network Coding", IT


SDW 2014 (Security Document World), June 16-18, London, UK


"NewP@ss main goals", id3


Regional Seminar on MRTDs and Traveller Identification Management, EU SAC/PACE Interoperability and Conformity Tests, June 25-27, Madrid, Spain


"3G ePassport sample presentation", Gemalto and G&D


RTP/RDP Antena1 public national radio broadcaster, "Click" program, February 15, 2014, Portugal

Interview presentation:

"Projeto NewP@ss desenvolve 4ª geração de passaportes eletrónicos", IT


1st Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems (CS2 2014), January 20, Vienna, Austria

Conference paper presentation:

"Group-Signature Schemes on Constrained Devices: The Gap Between Theory and Practice", TU Graz-IAIK





14th International Conference on Cryptology in India (INDOCRYPT 2013), December 7-10, Mumbai, India

Conference paper presentation:

"8/16/32 Shades of Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Embedded Processors", TU Graz-IAIK


APSCA's Government Discussion Forum on Electronic Identity 2013, December 11-12, Cambodia


"Travel documents, new standards and new technologies"; with the bridge to NewP@ss, Infineon


European Nanoelectronics Forum 2013, November 27-28, Barcelona, Spain

Poster presentation and demonstrations:

"NewP@ss progress", Gemalto


IECON 2013 (39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society), November 10-13, Vienna, Austria

Conference paper presentation:

"Model Checking Specifications of Smart Cards", NXP-Austria


VALID 2013 (5th International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle), October 27 – November 1, Venice, Italy

Conference paper presentation:

"Model-Based MCDC Testing of Complex Decisions for the Java Card Applet Firewall", TU Graz-IAIK/NXP-Austria


National eID & ePassport Conference 2013, October 28-29, Berlin, Germany

Poster at Gemalto booth:

"NewP@ss project", Gemalto


BSI Industrial Track, October 14, 2013, Berlin, Germany


"1st survey on the impact of ICAO_LDS2.0 on HW and SW", Infineon


Chip to Cloud Security Forum 2013, September 25-27, Nice, France


"NewP@ss project", Gemalto


World e-ID Congress 2013, September 25-27, Nice, France


"NewP@ss project", Gemalto


9th Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDsec 2013), July 9-11, Graz, Austria

Invited talk:

"20 Years of MIFARE, From CRYPTO to Formal Verification", NXP-A


SDW 2013 (Security Document World), May 21-22, London, UK

Conference paper presentation:

"EU project Newp@ss – Working towards future ePP evolution", NXP-Germany


AFNOR standard organization CN17 ge3 (Travel documents), February 12, 2013, Paris, France


"NewP@ss project", Gemalto


Ministry of Interior – ANTS agency, February 11, 2013, Paris, France


"NewP@ss project", Gemalto





European Nanoelectronics Forum 2012, November 20-21, Munich, Germany

Poster presentation:

"NewP@ss project overview", Gemalto